Haigh Rail Limited were tasked with concrete remedial works, baseplate re-alignment, re-railing, crossing replacements, block paving replacement and re-gauging of all four corners into the stops at two locations, Dudley Street and Dartmouth Street tram stops.
Single line closure over two consecutive weekends allowed the infrastructure to operate bi-directional on a single line and to remain open to the public whist allowing for the continuation of works.
Haigh Rail Limited developed an adjustable base plate design allowing for the increase/decrease of track level ensuring the correct geometry when entering/stopping at/leaving the tram stop.
The programme for core works was built so resource, materials, plant and equipment could be distributed at the same time, working at and completing the sites in unison.
Block paving, concrete edge beams, rail and ballast were all excavated/cut-out/removed allowing for the removal of unstable base-plates and the installation of the adjustable base plates and new rail.
Welding and stress restoration took place before the reinstatement of temporary walkways, concrete edge-beams and block paving.
All works were completed and handed back within the granted possession.